Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. Proudly served in the United States Navy and retired as a Naval Officer after 20 years of honorable service. I am a National Personal Training Institute (NPTI) graduate, certified as an Advanced Certified Personal Trainer (ACPT) and an International Federation of Body Building Professional (IFBB).

Throughout my youth, I was pretty active and into fitness, but as I got older, I veered off track, became extremely unhealthy and overweight.  I met with a personal trainer and we immediately began working on improving my overall wellness.

Now, I am here to help you achieve overall wellness and become the best version of yourself as your LIVE online personal trainer.


Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. Proudly served in the United States Navy and retired as a Naval Officer after 20 years of honorable service. I am a National Personal Training Institute (NPTI) graduate, certified as an Advanced Certified Personal Trainer (ACPT) and an International Federation of Body Building Professional (IFBB).

I am here to help you achieve overall wellness and become the best version of yourself as your LIVE online personal trainer.

Who is MY program for?

My program is for everyone. Whether you’re a father who has just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, the mother who simply wants to have the energy to play with her kids, the son who is looking to join the Police academy, or the daughter who wants to fit into her prom dress.

My personalized program comes with a meal plan and workout plan based on science and my experience as a trainer. The best thing about my programs is that each one is tailored to your fitness level and your goals - which means you're guaranteed to get results.

I've helped thousands of people get in shape and feel amazing - now it's time to help you!

How will MY program help people?

My workout training program is tailored specifically to your needs and is a great way to stay physically and mentally fit. It also provides additional benefits such as:

Improved Condition Of The Heart And Lungs

Increased Muscular Strength

Improved Muscle Tone And Definition

Weight Management

Better Balance And Flexibility

Increased Energy Levels

Reduced Risk Of Chronic Disease

Improved Sleep

Improved Brain Function And Health

Greater Self-Confidence And Self-Esteem

Improved Social Life

MY health & fitness ethos

Don’t Skip The Warm Up

Stay Hydrated

Fit In Cardio

Lift Weights

Change Up Your Routine

Prioritize Protein

Don’t Forget The Post Workout Stretch

Rest As Needed

Track Your Progress

Do Something You Enjoy


Personalized Meal and Workout Plans specifically tailored to YOU and your goals, whenever and wherever!

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